Общество физиологов растений России

Annual meeting of Russian Society of Plant Physiologists - 2014

The International scientific conference and School for young scientists «Plant Physiology as Theoretical Basis for Innovative Agriculture and Phytobiotechnologies»


Dear Colleagues!


We invite you to participate in The International scientific conference and School for young scientists «Plant Physiology as Theoretical Basis for Innovative Agriculture and Phytobiotechnologies». The conference will be held in Kaliningrad, Russia, from 19th till 25th of May, 2014 at the premises of Kaliningrad State Technical University. Information on this conference is published on the University Web-site: http://www.klgtu.ru/ (Наука → Конференции, семинары, симпозиумы → в КГТУ), also availible on http://ofr.su

DOWNLOAD THE 1ST ANNOUNCEMENT english version - (flyer) and (Invitation application for Russian visa

Kaliningrad is situated in the middle of Europe, on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. It is surrounded by Poland and Lithuania and has no boundaries with Russia. Its territory has very interesting and difficult history. You are invited to participate in the Conference, which will be held in Kaliningrad. Your Russian colleagues will do their best to make you feel welcomed and comfortable during your visit. We promise you interesting scientific and cultural program.

You are welcome!



Section 1. Molecular-Physiological Basis of Plant Growth, Development and Productivity:
- Formation of Plant Organs
- Plant Signaling System - Regulation of Genome Expression

Section 2. Ecological Plant Physiology:
- Physiological-Biochemical Aspects of Plant Stress and Adaptation
- Biological Sustainability of Phytocenoses
- Plants under the Technogenic Environmental Pollution

Section 3. Agriculture and Phytobiotechnologies:
- Cell and Tissue Biotechnologies
- Transgenesis and Biosafety
- Biologically Active Compounds in Plant Growing and Biotechnology
- Innovative Technologies in Agriculture


Plenary lectures (lecturers will be invited by organiz-ing committee), oral sessions (10-25 min long) and post-ers are provided. Proceedings will be published by the beginning of conference. A special issue of KSTU journal «Acta KSTU» will be published as a result of the conference.


Russian, English


Prof., Dr. Elena S. Ron’zhina, 236022 Russia, Kaliningrad, Sovetskiy prospect, Kaliningrad State Technical University, Department of Agronomy, E-mail: agronomia@mail.ru.


First Announcement 10.11.2013
Registration form and article for Proceedings 15.03.2014
Second Announcement 01.04.2014
Confirmation of participation, hotel reservation 10.05.2014
Conference Program 10.05.2014
Arrival of participants 19.05.2014
Departure of participants 24-25.05.2014
Conference and School sessions 20-24.05.2014
Submission of articles for «Acta KSTU» journal 15.06.2014
Publication of «Acta KSTU» 01.08.2014

ATTENTION! Foreign participants to get an official invitation for a visa from Organizing Committee, have to send Registration form and article for Proceedings before February 1st, 2014. Apart from it, they have to fill in the Application Form (see attached file) and enclose a digital copy of passport’s first page. All documents in digital form must be sent to E-mail: agronomia@mail.ru before February 1st, 2014.


Arrangement fee is equal to: - for foreign participants – EUR 50, - for young foreign scientists (younger than 30 years old) – EUR 25, - for attendants– EUR 25. Foreign participants pay the fee by cash (in Roubles) at the time of registration.





Conference papers (2-3 pages in volume) should be sent in English before March 15th, 2014 to the e-mail address: agronomia@mail.ru.

Layout: MS Word; page А4 (210 х 297 mm); margins: 20 mm – head, right and left, 25 mm – foot; line interval – 1,0; font - Times New Roman 12; indention – 1,0 cm; text margin aligned; automatic hyphenation.

The title of the paper follows after a line interval - centred, in bold type, capital letters. Initials and surname of the author(s) follow lower, centred. Title of the organization, address, postal code, country, and E-mail - one line below, centred. Key words must be placed below, in italics, no indent, not centered. The text follows after one line interval.

Paper must consist of the following parts: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, References. Title of each part should be centred, in bold, small letters.

For additional information (e.g. how to design tables and figures) visit Rules for authors of Russian Journal of Plant Physiology (

Accepted for publication papers will not be edited.

PAPER FEE - Proceedings: paper fee is equal to EUR 4 (in Roubles) for each paper independent on quantity of authors. It is paid by foreign participants in cash at the time of registration. Additional publication in the journal «Acta KSTU» is free.


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