Общество физиологов растений России
15 января, 2025

Новости науки и практики // Январь 2025

Новости науки и практики // Январь 2025

A single-nuclei transcriptome census of the Arabidopsis maturing root identifies that MYB67 controls phellem cell maturation

Employing single-nuclei sequencing, Millar et al have generated an expression census capturing the complete developmental progression of Arabidopsis root phellem cells, from their progenitor cell type, the pericycle, through to their maturation. With this, they identify a whole suite of genes underlying this process, including MYB67, which we show has a role in phellem cell maturation.


A new species of Coccoloba P. Browne (Polygonaceae) from the Brazilian Amazon with exceptionally large leaves

de Melo et al describe and illustrate a new species of Coccoloba (Polygonaceae), named Coccoloba gigantifolia, from the Brazilian Amazon. It resembles Coccoloba mollis Casar, but differs from the latter species by its much larger leaves in the fertile branches.


A scaffold protein manages the biosynthesis of steroidal defense metabolites in plants

Boccia et al identify a cellulose synthase–like protein, an unexpected biosynthetic component that interacts with the early pathway enzymes, enabling steroidal scaffolds production in plants. Moreover, knockout of this gene in black nightshade, Solanum nigrum, resulted in plants lacking both steroidal alkaloids and saponins.


Shortcutting Photorespiration Protects Potato Photosynthesis and Tuber Yield Against Heatwave Stress

Over two growing seasons, a chloroplast localized synthetic glycolate metabolic pathway expressed in potato, enhanced tuber biomass. Scientists confirmed that this yield benefit did not come at the cost of tuber quality.


Biologists studying apples discover structural cell protein also directly regulates gene transcription

A cell protein previously believed only to provide a scaffolding for DNA has also been shown to directly influence DNA transcription into RNA—the first step of the process by which an organism's genetic code expresses itself. The fundamental breakthrough was discovered in apple cells but is relevant to all living organisms made of nucleus-containing cells, including humans.


Increasing Rubisco as a simple means to enhance photosynthesis and productivity now without lowering nitrogen use efficiency

Nearly all crop carbon is assimilated through Rubisco, which is catalytically slow, reactive with oxygen, and a major component of leaf nitrogen. Developing more efficient forms of Rubisco, or engineering CO2 concentrating mechanisms into C3 crops to competitively repress oxygenation, are major endeavors, which could hugely increase photosynthetic productivity (≥ 60%).


Growing safer spuds: Removing toxins from potatoes

Scientists have discovered a way to remove toxic compounds from potatoes, making them safer to eat and easier to store. The breakthrough could cut food waste and enhance crop farming in space and other extreme environments.


Cytochrome c levels link mitochondrial function to plant growth and stress responses through changes in SnRK1 pathway activity

Coronel et al report that plants with reduced levels of the mitochondrial respiratory chain component cytochrome c (CYTc), required for electron transport coupled to oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production, show impaired growth and increased global expression of stress-responsive genes, similar to those observed after inhibiting the respiratory chain or the mitochondrial ATP synthase.


Ученые Тульского государственного университета (ТулГУ) совместно с коллегами из Института теоретической и экспериментальной биофизики РАН создали инновационную программу для точной сегментации сканированных изображений листьев растений

Новый алгоритм, основанный на параметрическом представлении теней и фона в цветовом пространстве, а также на применении опорных векторов и фильтрации на основе нормальной-гамма модели, позволяет эффективно учитывать как цветовую информацию, так и резкие изменения интенсивности изображения.


Красная водоросль поможет в борьбе с фузариозным увяданием томатов

В недавней работе показано, что экстракт красной водоросли Jania sp. способен снизить заболеваемость растений на треть и активирует их естественные защитные механизмы. Авторы установили, что экстракт джании стимулирует выработку антиоксидантных ферментов, повышает содержание хлорофилла и улучшает рост растений. Важная особенность нового метода — простота применения: экстракт водоросли достаточно добавлять при поливе или наносить на листья.


Researchers find promising approach to mitigate cadmium stress in mung bean cultivars

A research team led by Prof. Xu Hailiang has demonstrated an effective approach to mitigate cadmium (Cd) stress in mung bean cultivars using salicylic acid (SA) priming.


Programming cells: New RNA tool enhances precision in synthetic genetic circuits

Researchers have successfully developed a modular synthetic translational coupling element (SynTCE), significantly enhancing the precision and integration density of genetic circuits in synthetic biology.


Plant CO2 uptake rises by nearly one third in new global estimates

Plants the world over are absorbing about 31% more carbon dioxide than previously thought, according to a new assessment. The research is expected to improve Earth system simulations that scientists use to predict the future climate, and spotlights the importance of natural carbon sequestration for greenhouse gas mitigation.


How fungi colonize plant roots

Researchers have identified two fungal enzymes that hijack the immune system of plants, playing a critical role in the colonization of plant roots. These findings open new avenues for interventions in both medicine and agriculture.


How plants evolved multiple ways to override genetic instructions

Biologists have investigated the inner workings of DNA methylation in plants. Their findings could help engineer crops that are more resilient to environmental changes, like heat or drought stress.



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