Photosynthetic pigments – chemical structure, biological function and ecology

Отв. редакторы.: Т.К.Головко, М.Н.В.Прасад, В.И.Грушецки, К.Стржалка
В книге представлен обзор результатов изучения фотосинтетических пигментов. Приведены данные о структуре хлоропластов и фотосинтетического аппарата растений, метаболизме фотосинтетических пигментов и его регуляции.
Composite authors
Editors: Tamara K. Golovko,
Syktyvkar: Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. 448 p.
ISBN: 581.132.1: 581.174.1/2:581.5, 350 copies
This book provides an overview of photosynthetic pigments. The chapters cover a wide scope of pigment researches – from chemical structure and biological function to ecology. The basic data on structure of chloroplasts and photosynthetic apparatus in plants, metabolism of photosynthetic pigments and its regulation are reviewed. Information on physiology of pigment–protein complexes is discussed. Original materials on photosynthetic pigment characteristics of plants from various ecosystems and botanical-geographical areas are presented. Effects of environmental stresses on photosynthetic pigment–protein complexes are considered. Some problems of using remote sensing technology for study of vegetation activity are discussed.
The book is directed at researches and professionals in plant physiology and biochemistry. It will be useful to plant biologists, ecologists and students.
Книга «Фотосинтетические пигменты – химическая структура, биологические функции и экология»
Коллектив авторов
Ответственные редакторы: Т.К.Головко, М.Н.В.Прасад, В.И.Грушецки, К.Стржалка
Издательство: РИО Коми НЦ УрО РАН, Сыктывкар, 2014. 448 с.
ISBN: 581.132.1: 581.174.1/2:581.5, Тираж: 350
В книге представлен обзор результатов изучения фотосинтетических пигментов. Приведены данные о структуре хлоропластов и фотосинтетического аппарата растений, метаболизме фотосинтетических пигментов и его регуляции. Рассмотрена физиология пигмент-белковых комплексов. Представлен оригинальный материал о содержании пигментов в растениях разных функциональных групп и ботанико-географических зон, обсуждены реакции фотосинтетических пигментов на стрессы.
Книга предназначена для специалистов в области физиологии и биохимии растений, будет полезна для биологов, экологов и студентов.
Part 1. Structure of chloroplasts and photosynthetic apparatus in higher plants
(edited by W. Gruszecki)
Chapter 1. Structure and properties of chloroplast membranes [R. Szymanska]
Chapter 2. Photosynthetic chlorophyll–protein complexes [L. Fiedor]
Chapter 3. Xanthophylls of Photosystem II [W. Gruszecki]
Chapter 4. Excitation energy transfer between photosynthetic pigments
[W. Gruszecki]
Part 2. Metabolism of photosynthetic pigments and its regulation
(edited by K. Strzalka)
Chapter 5. Biosynthesis and breakdown of chlorophylls
[R. Porra, H. Scheer, Berhard Kräutler]
Chapter 6. Light regulation of chlorophyll biosynthesis
in angiosperm plants: the role of photoreceptors
and the photomorphogenesis repressor COP1
[P. Jedynak, K. Strzalka, P. Malec]
Chapter 7. Biosynthesis and degradation of carotenoids
[M. Jemiola-Rzeminska, K. Strzalka]
Chapter 8. Chloroplasts chlorophyll-protein complexes
and chlorophyll fluorescence in wheat seedlings during greening
[E. Garmash, M.Khristin, O.Dymova, T.Golovko]
Part 3. Physiology of pigment–protein complexes
(edited by K. Strzalka and T. Golovko)
Chapter 9. Chlorophylls and their role in photosynthesis
[O.Dymova, L. Fiedor]
Chapter 10. Carotenoids as photoprotectors
[W. Gruszecki, R. Szymanska, L. Fiedor]
Chapter 11. The role of carotenoids in the protection and assembly
of the photosynthetic apparatus in a model unicellular cyanobacteria
Synechocystis PCC 6803 [K. Klodawska, P. Malec, K. Strzalka]
Chapter 12. Xanthophyll cycle and its physiological functions
[D.Latowski, O.Dymova, T. Maslova, K. Strzalka]
Chapter 13. Pigments and productivity of the crop plants
[T. Golovko, G.Tabalenkova]
Part 4. Ecology of photosynthetic pigments and pigment–protein
complexes (edited by M.N.V. Prasad and T. Golovko)
Chapter 14. Pigment characteristics of the plants of northern
ecosystems and their correlation with photosynthetic activity
[O.Dymova, I.Dalke, T.Golovko]
Chapter 15. Photosynthetic pigment–protein complexes
of wintergreen herbaceous plant Ajuga reptans
[O.Dymova, M. Khristin, T.Golovko]
Chapter 16. Photoprotective role of xanthophylls cycle in Clusia plants
in relation to Crassulacean acid metabolism
[A.Kornas, E.Kuźniak, Z.Miszalski]
Chapter 17. Alteration in chlorophylls and carotenoids
in higher plants under abiotic stress
[M. Hasanuzzaman, K. Nahar, M. Fujita]
Chapter 18. Photosynthetic pigments and pigment-protein complexes
of aquatic plants under heavy metal stress
[M.D. Meitei, A. Kumar, M.N.V. Prasad, P. Malec, A. Waloszek,
M. Maleva, K. Strzałka]
Chapter 19. Structural and functional aspects of photosynthetic
apparatus under UV-B stress
[R.Kumari, M.N.V. Prasad, A. Waloszek, K. Strzalka]
Chapter 20. Functional tuning of photosynthetic pigments
in response to trace elements
[A. Kumar, A. Sebastian, M.N.V. Prasad, P. Malec, K. Strzalka]
Chapter 21. Photosynthetic physiology and pigments
in Lobaria pulmonaria lichen
[T. Golovko, O.Dymova, I.Zakhozhiy, I.Dalke, E.Kokovkina]
Part 5. Helpful aspects of pigments study (edited by T. Golovko)
Chapter 22. Reflectance-based non-destructive assay
of leaf chlorophylls and carotenoids (A. Solovchenko)
Chapter 23. The spatial-temporal estimation
of vegetation chlorophylls index: remote sensing approaches
[E. Elsakov]
Chapter 24. Plant pigments and human health
[O. Dymova, E. Lashmanova, T.Golovko]
Species index
Subject index
Книгу (цена – 380 руб. без стоимости почтовых расходов) можно приобрести, сделав заявку по электронной почте:
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